Dana Jones Fowlerville MI Death: Cheer director & Guild Mortgage vice president has died

Fowlerville MI:- Dana Jones, MBA, CRCM, the vice president and compliance at Guild Mortgage has passed away. She was announced dead by those affected by her passing. Cheer director Dana Jones, a longtime resident of Fowlerville, Michigan died on Thursday, the 6th of June 2024. Dana was the most loving, generous, uplifting, selfless, inspirational person.

Dana Jones’ cause of death

There was no cause of death reported for Dana Jones at the time of this publication. The entire HAJFL family is devastated by this tremendous loss. Dana’s spirit, smile, and unwavering commitment touched the lives of so many. She was beloved by all who knew her, and we are all mourning this tragic circumstance.

About Dana Jones

Dana was also the cheer/prom director and coach for HAJFL. Her mission was to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations governing her organization’s operations while achieving maximum efficiency and quality at each step of the mortgage loan process. She was dedicated to preventing, detecting, and resolving conduct that might not conform to legal standards.

Dana fostered an organisational culture that promoted compliance with these legal requirements, serving as a resource for employees to enhance their knowledge while leveraging technology to its full capacity. She had the biggest heart and loved her family fearlessly.

Mike was her first love and soulmate. She was a cheerleader for everyone she met, treating them all as family. Dana was the vibrant heart and soul of our football and cheer league (HAJFL). Her boundless energy, infectious enthusiasm, and genuine care for every athlete made her an irreplaceable part of our community. She was a fun, loving, and deeply devoted leader who poured her heart and soul into the kids she coached.

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