Doris Biscoe WXYZ Death, Former Detroit Television Station Anchor and Reporter has died

The broadcasting community and viewers of WXYZ mourn the passing of former anchor and reporter, Doris Biscoe, who died at the age of 77 on Friday. She was a dedicated member of the television station.  Born in Washington D.C. in 1946, Doris Biscoe’s journey into media began well before her esteemed tenure at WXYZ. Initially, her passion for storytelling led her to work as a radio DJ in Maryland. She later transitioned seamlessly into hosting a weekly public affairs show in her hometown of Washington D.C. Her dedication to journalism and her ability to connect with audiences brought her to Detroit.

Joining WXYZ in 1973 as a night reporter, Biscoe quickly became a prominent figure in local news. Her commitment to accurate, insightful reporting earned her respect from colleagues and viewers alike. Throughout her career, she demonstrated versatility and professionalism in various roles within the station. A highlight of Biscoe’s career came in 1994 when she was inducted into the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Silver Circle. This prestigious recognition celebrated her 25-year contribution to television broadcasting, highlighting her dedication and excellence in journalism—a legacy that will endure for generations.

Biscoe’s on-screen presence was distinguished by her journalistic skill, warmth, and authenticity. Whether reporting breaking news or anchoring alongside colleagues like Rich Fisher and Erik Smith, her professionalism and grace endeared her to Detroit’s viewers. Her contributions to journalism and her impact on the community will be cherished by all who worked with her or watched her on air. Tributes pour in from colleagues, viewers, and friends, reflecting the profound impact she had on those around her.

Doris Biscoe’s obituary will be released by the family

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