Drue Wolfe Ankeny, IA Death: Ankeny Hawk football photographer has died

Drue Wolfe of Ankeny, Iowa, has died. The Ankeny Hawk football team is very saddened by the passing of Drue Wolfe. He was revered, adored, and looked up to. The only thing that could match his dedication to his profession was the openness with which he expressed his opinions. Whether he was on the field, in the gym, or on the sidelines, Drue’s passion for all sports was obvious. His impact extended well beyond the playing field; he was a mentor and friend to countless athletes who were inspired by his camera and his capacity to highlight each player’s uniqueness and true character.The sports world is forever changed by Drue’s legacy, which is proof of the enduring power of one person’s passion and commitment. We are sending our sympathies and best wishes to Drue’s friends and family.

Who was Drue Wolfe?

The news of Drue Wolfe’s passing devastated so many people’s hearts and thoughts. In addition to being well-known among the athletes in our community, Drue was a major source of inspiration for a great number of individuals who aspired to be like him. Searching through his website for mind-blowing images was an experience in and of itself. God gave him the talent of being able to find the good in everyone and show it through his perspective. He encouraged so many others to try their hand at photography and was always willing to answer any questions someone had regarding the camera.

I could always count on Drue to be cheerful and helpful, whether I was just waving or learning photography from him from the sidelines. I regret not telling him more, but I wouldn’t be where I am now if it weren’t for those insignificant, apparently simple moments. Thank you, Drue, for being my friend. We really miss you.


We regret to notify you of the demise of Ankeny Fanatic’s outstanding photographer, Drue Wolfe. Over the years, Drue has had a positive influence on the lives of several sportsmen with his beautiful photos. We shall miss him terribly. In Drue’s case, the proverb “a picture is worth a thousand words” definitely held true. Athletes have admitted to attending events an infinite number of times. Please don’t forget to offer prayers for Drue’s loved ones.

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