Joseph Tucker Essex MA Death, Teen died after Pelham car accident

19-year-old Essex teen identified as Joseph Tucker has sadly passed away. He died after a car accident in Pelham. On Monday evening as a teenage driver lost his life in a collision with a tree along Daniel Shays Highway (Route 202), which subsequently led to a fire, authorities confirmed. The victim, identified as Joseph Tucker, aged 19 and hailing from Essex, was airlifted to Baystate Wing Hospital in Palmer, where he later succumbed to his injuries just after 8:30 p.m., as detailed by Laurie Loisel, spokesperson for the Northwestern district attorney’s office.

Local police and fire departments swiftly responded to the scene following reports of the single-vehicle crash around 7:15 p.m. A state trooper, who happened to be nearby, promptly alerted authorities and requested assistance. The accident occurred in the southbound lane around 234 Daniel Shays Highway, according to information provided by Loisel.

Upon arrival, responders encountered a harrowing scene with the driver trapped inside the vehicle, which had become engulfed in flames. After extinguishing the fire, emergency personnel utilized the jaws of life to extricate the driver, who was the sole occupant of the vehicle. A Life Flight helicopter was urgently summoned to transport the teenager to Palmer hospital, where, unfortunately, he could not overcome the injuries sustained in the crash.

Pelham police expressed their gratitude to various agencies, including Pelham Fire Department, Massachusetts State Police, Amherst Fire Department, Belchertown Police Department, Belchertown Fire Department, Shutesbury Police Department, and New Salem Police Department, as well as Life Flight, for their swift response and assistance during the distressing event.

The investigation into the incident remains ongoing, with the State Police Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section and detectives from the district attorney’s office leading the inquiry.

Joseph Tucker’s obituary will be released by the family

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