Ontario, Death: Sean Coles, Toronto Fire Services firefighter, died from occupational cancer

Toronto, Ontario resident Sean Coles died away. We are very grieved by Sean’s passing at the age of 50 due to occupational cancer at Toronto Fire Services. His family is attempting to gather the fortitude to handle the shock of his death, which has left them utterly distraught and shocked. Many people are appreciative of the information they have acquired from skating with him throughout the years. They can’t help but notice that you’re at ease now that the discomfort has lessened. For everything you have done to better the world as a fireman, husband, dad, and hockey player, so many people are appreciative. You had a positive impact on this work, and it will be felt.

Sending sympathies

“The Trenton Golden Hawks would like to send their sympathies to Sean Coles’ family. Sean was a Toronto Firefighter, a longtime OJHL referee, and a wonderful man. Our prayers and sympathies are with your family, Colesy. I will surely miss our in-between-period conversations.” -Sippers John

Concerning Toronto Fire Services

Toronto Fire Services is the only all hazards emergency response company in the city. Fire Services protects Toronto residents, tourists, and companies against loss of life, property, and the environment from the impacts of fire, sickness, accidents, and any other risks via readiness, prevention, public education, and emergency response. Safety, efficacy, efficiency, and high-quality services are given top priority.

The Fire Prevention Division of Toronto Fire Services may provide information on emergencies, fire codes, house inspections, and the Alarm for Life program for residential smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. The general public can also access school fire safety programs and public education. Toronto Fire Services is the largest fire department in Canada and the sixth largest in North America.

In brief

Kindly offer your sympathies and flowers to his family during this difficult time of their lives. The details of his funeral and obituary will be revealed at his family’s choice.


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