Rebecca Koltun Siblings: How They Support Her After a Tragic Accident

Rebecca Koltun Siblings: How They Support Her After a Tragic Accident

Rebecca Koltun is a young woman who was set to graduate from college and pursue a medical career when a freak ski accident in March 2021 left her paralyzed from the neck down. She has been undergoing intensive rehabilitation ever since, with the help of her family and friends. In this article, we will explore Rebecca Koltun’s siblings: her brother Erik and her sister, who have been by her side throughout her ordeal.

Rebecca Koltun Brother: Erik Koltun

Rebecca Koltun has only one sibling, Erik, who is her older brother. Erik and Rebecca share a close bond, as they both attended Binghamton University and had similar interests. They decided to ski at Stratton Mountain in Vermont during Erik’s spring break in March 2021, but tragedy struck when Rebecca suffered a devastating spinal cord injury that left her paralyzed from the neck down.

Erik witnessed the accident firsthand, watching helplessly as his younger sister’s future was permanently impacted in an instant. He was the one who called 911 and stayed with her until the paramedics arrived. He later said that he felt guilty for not being able to prevent the accident or save his sister.

As Rebecca embarked on a grueling recovery, Erik and the rest of the Koltun family remained constantly by her side as a solid support system. They moved to Boston to be near her as she underwent intensive rehabilitation at a specialized facility. Erik also helped raise funds for his sister’s medical expenses, as well as awareness for spinal cord injuries.

Erik has been Rebecca’s source of strength and courage, as he encourages her to keep fighting and never give up. He often visits her, talks to her, and makes her laugh. He also helps her with her daily activities, such as feeding, brushing her teeth, and reading. He said that he is proud of his sister for her resilience and determination.

Rebecca Koltun is a young woman who was set to graduate from college and pursue a medical career when a freak ski accident in March 2021 left her paralyzed from the neck down. She has been undergoing intensive rehabilitation ever since, with the help of her family and friends. In this article, we will explore Rebecca Koltun’s siblings: her brother Erik and her sister, who have been by her side throughout her ordeal.

Rebecca Koltun Siblings: How They Support Her After a Tragic Accident

Rebecca Koltun Sister: A Mystery

Rebecca Koltun does not have a sister, contrary to some reports. She only has one sibling, Erik, who is her brother. However, she does have many close friends who are like sisters to her. One of them is Jessica Scheibel, who has been Rebecca’s best friend since kindergarten. Jessica and Rebecca were supposed to go to Nashville for a trip in April 2021, but the accident changed everything.

Jessica has been in constant contact with Rebecca through FaceTime, and she is helping raise funds for her family. She also organized a fundraiser at her local bagel shop, where she created a special coffee blend called Becca’s Brew, with all proceeds going to Rebecca. Jessica said that Rebecca is the most bubbly, chatty, and entertaining person in the world, and that she is her favorite person to do everything with.

Jessica is not the only friend who has been supporting Rebecca. Many other friends, classmates, and community members have been rallying around her, donating money, sending cards, and offering prayers. They have also been featuring Rebecca’s story on social media, using the hashtag #RebeccaStrong. They hope that Rebecca will recover and fulfill her dreams of becoming a doctor.

Rebecca Koltun is a young woman who was set to graduate from college and pursue a medical career when a freak ski accident in March 2021 left her paralyzed from the neck down. She has been undergoing intensive rehabilitation ever since, with the help of her family and friends. In this article, we will explore Rebecca Koltun’s siblings: her brother Erik and her sister, who have been by her side throughout her ordeal.

Rebecca Koltun Siblings: How They Support Her After a Tragic Accident


Q: How is Rebecca Koltun doing now?

A: Rebecca Koltun is currently living in an assisted living facility, where she continues to receive occupational and physical therapies for her paralysis. She is able to breathe on her own, but she still needs a ventilator at night. She is also able to operate a wheelchair with modified controls, and she is learning how to use voice-activated devices. She is hopeful that she will regain some movement and sensation in the future.

Q: What caused Rebecca Koltun accident?

A: Rebecca Koltun’s accident was caused by a rare and unpredictable event, known as a cervical artery dissection. This is when a tear occurs in the wall of an artery that supplies blood to the brain, causing a stroke. The tear can be triggered by trauma, such as a fall, a blow to the neck, or a sudden head movement. Rebecca’s fall on the ski slope caused a tear in her left vertebral artery, which resulted in a massive stroke that damaged her spinal cord.

Q: How can I help Rebecca Koltun and her family?

A: Rebecca Koltun and her family need a lot of help, as they face enormous medical bills, emotional stress, and lifestyle changes. You can help them by donating to their GoFundMe page, which has raised over $1.2 million so far. You can also support them by sending cards, letters, or gifts to Rebecca’s address, which is posted on her Facebook page. You can also follow her progress and send her messages of encouragement on her Instagram account, @rebeccakoltun.

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